Housebuilding and Home Visits—February 13, 2012

Once again, todays journal is written by a team member.  Thanks for helping us keep up!
Today our team once again split into 3 groups. Dick, Pat, and a local Pastor, Orlando, went with Ralph, Jeff, Don, Pete, DL and Gordon to visit 6 local homes in Huehue. They distributed food bags and some clothing. In any language you can see people’s attitudes about their lot in life. The first lady we visited was very unhappy, and very vocal about it. We met families later that had life way worse that were more pleasant and appreciative.
Pat and I actually liked the first lady. She was a bit of a chatterbox but understandably so since she lived all alone and seldom had anyone to talk to. In spite of a few complaints she did say that she was thankful to God for what little she did have. Pat and I figure that if we drop in and visit her more often perhaps she will run out of things to talk about so that the conversation will not be as one sided. If not I can always pull the batteries out of my hearing aids. That way they make good ear plugs. Pat can vouch for that. ~~Dick

Although we originally came out to visit the lady in this picture who is holding the baby, we could not help but feel sorry for the lady that is standing between the children . She has a tumor behind her eye that will soon push her eye out of it's socket. She can not afford the $900 to have it removed so she will likely die before long. ~~Dick

It was a food distribution, but 2 of the people Dick and Pat are going to follow up with because they need medical care.   I really enjoyed the family pictured above.  This young women is paying her parents rent, and they are trying to get by on what they can.  The were so friendly and hospitable.  I can’t wait to visit them again. ~~Pat 
After lunch a smaller crew delivered Freddy’s medication so he wouldn’t get seizures. Only 11 switchbacks, and in a 2 wheel drive van.

The other two teams built houses. One team consisted of Ben, Saul, Jorge, Kathy, Virgi, Cindy and Loren. They said it went well.
The team I (Randi) worked with today was Chris, Juan, Dan, John, Arlis, Tres and me. I must say this is the most useful I’ve felt so far.

We built a house for a lady--we called her LaLa-- and her children. She was a widow and she and her oldest son purchased a plot of land where we built the house. It was hard work but very fun and fulfilling. She was there most of the day to help us with our projects. When school got out and her children came home, they were very excited—mostly about their new beds—two sets of triple bunks. Pretty soon the neighbor kids were all over to see the new place and then later on some neighbor ladies. Arlis had brought along some bracelets and candies to give out to all the kids and that was a big hit. When the building was done, we all gathered in the new house to pray—our team, LaLa and her kids, and a lot of the neighbors.

Pastor Juan started the prayer and then everyone started to pray at once. I couldn’t understand the words they spoke but I could feel the power of God in the room. I feel blessed by the day I had and got to experience. God is good! And to see LaLa and her family and friends were so thankful for what we had done was also a blessing,

Pat, David, who just joined us today, and myself will be staying in Huehuetinango for a few more days but tomorrow the Bethel crew and the teem from Washington State will be heading back to Chimaltenango and then bright and early Wednesday morning the Washington group will be heading back to the USA.
Thanks teem! I am sure that the Guatemalan people that you came to serve are grateful to you, but some how I feel that you are equally as grateful to the Guatemalan people and to God for what you are taking back home with you. I am not talking about the souvenirs that you bought in the markets that will likely end up in the attic if not the garbage. I am talking about the friendships that you have made and the lessons that God has taught you while you were here. I trust that God has shown you a lot in the week that you were here, and I pray that this trip helps to strengthen your walk with Him.
Yours in Christ: Dick

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