
To avoid losing Dick's friendship (and to avoid being bugged about this for the rest of my life), I want to make clearer what I wrote yesterday. The added material is in red.

It never ceases to amaze me the patience of the Guatemalan people, and their good manners, while waiting so long. Dick got stir crazy after about 5 minutes of waiting in his third line of the day, after having been "at" this for three and a half hours before I arrived at the hospital, and went to take one of the boys back to Chimaltenango for school. I on the other hand am known to be much more patient--it took me a full 15 minutes before I wanted to start banging my head on the wall!

I would NEVER want to imply that Dick was impatient.  Those of you who know him know that his patience is exceeded only by his total truthfulness with never an exaggeration. And his love of standing in lines is exceeded only by his love of shopping.
There, now Dick.  Is that better?

1 comment:

  1. Apology excepted, as long as I am still allowed to get even.
