Lessons from a March Snow

When I got up this morning it was raining. I sighed to myself, “Finally! Spring!” I sat down to do my Bible Study at the kitchen table (10 feet from the doors leading to my balcony) and was astonished when I finished. I turned around to find the entire landscape covered, once again, in white.

Immediately I was faced with a choice: resentment at God’s interference with what I thought SHOULD be, or joy and acceptance of the beauty before me, even if it was not what I wanted or expected. And for once I chose joy. It really WAS beautiful, and I let myself stand there and watch the big, beautiful flakes as they fell softly to the ground. And remembered His promise: “I will wash you white as snow.”

I thought back to a few days earlier when I was so excited that all the snow was melted from my yard (first time since October) and at the same time was disappointed at how matted and brown and ugly my grass was. How often am I like that? One layer is washed clean, only to reveal a dryness beneath that still needs renewal.

I didn’t think much more about it until I was driving to work. The grass was covered in a pure white blanket—and the street was a dirty, slushy mess. I pondered how much that was like my life. God washes me pure white, and the traffic of life runs me over. Takes what is beautiful and turns it ugly. So ugly that I don’t even want to deal with it. So more “snow” falls on my life. . .

Eventually, though, I know the snow will give way to green grass, renewed life. I claim that promise for me as well as the city of Omaha.

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