The drive back to our hotel took us directly past Bayron’s house, but we’d decided that it was too late to stop. Dick had promised Abner and Daniel that they could swim this evening, and he was not about to break his word. As Dick was pointing out Bayron’s home to me, who should just happen to be playing in front of the house in the approaching darkness? You guessed it, Bayron. Of course, now there was no way we could NOT stop. Of all the kids Dick writes about, this one is unique. He and Dick have a special “heart bond” that you can see on both their faces when they are together. So together they would be.
We’d planned on stopping only for a few minutes to say hi. Bayron’s family graciously invited us in, and Bayron immediately rushed to show Dick his schoolwork. Grandma explained that though Bayron could not attend the school his brother does, they found a teacher at another school willing to work with him. For the second time in one day, I was amazed at the dedication and skill of another Guatemalan teacher. This little one who could not hear was learning to read and write and count. How the teacher was teaching him this, I don’t know. I do know Bayron is one bright little boy, who manages to communicate quite well with his family through a type of sign language they’ve developed. It seems he would be able to do anything he put his mind to.
We’d told Grandma about the cards I’d brought to try to help Bayron communicate more easily. She was very willing to have us try this, and we told her we’d be back the next day. As the conversation went on to Bayron’s up-coming appointment at Hermano Pedro, Dick looked at me sheepishly and asked what I thought of asking Grandma if Bayron could come to spend the night with all of us at the hotel. Since I wanted to be sure this was communicated in exactly the best way, I asked Abner to translate for us. Grandma immediately agreed and the next few minutes were spent frantically looking for appropriate clothes for him to wear, and having him wash up. It was heart-warming to see Grandma and Bayron’s aunts scurrying around to get him ready. He is truly loved and cared for by this family. And the depth of their concern for him made their willingness to entrust him to us for the evening all the more touching.
As we walked to the car, I don’t know who was happier, Dick or Bayron. I guess it really doesn’t matter. This was my first experience of pure joy tonight, watching them cross the road hand in hand.After a quick supper in the hotel’s great restaurant, it was decided that it was still not too late to swim. So off to the pool we went. Bayron didn’t seem too accustomed to swimming, and was playing by himself in the children’s pool while the big guys swam in the “deep” one. Since I really don’t swim, I went over to sit with him. He was so excited he couldn’t contain himself, and made every effort to show me every trick he could think of. His delight was contagious. This was my second dose of pure joy for the night.

After a bit, Bayron’s confidence grew and he was willing to go with Dick into the deep water. More and more he relaxed in Dick’s protective grasp. More and more he became willing to try new things, until he was totally comfortable taking a running leap off the side of the pool to be caught up by Dick before he would go underwater. Watching his total abandonment and trust in Dick was the third time I felt pure joy this night. Oh, that I would trust my heavenly Father half as much as this little one trusted Dick.

In a few minutes, Bayron got cold, and he and Dick went up to change and watch TV. Since the night was still and the water warm, I decided to stay down and watch Abner and Daniel play their own brand of “water soccer.” Abner had worked so hard today translating for us when I felt unsure of myself. It was refreshing to watch him and Daniel just being kids. Their pleasure in their game renewed by heart. I enjoyed the time getting to know them a little bit more. Their acceptance of me touched me. My final gift of pure joy for the evening was floating at the side of the pool, hearing their laughter and thanking God for the day. It doesn’t get any better than this!
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