Freedom at Fourteen, September 1, 2011

Imagine what it would be like to move independently for the first time in your life at age 14.  Today, we were able to make this dream come true for Nery Alex, a young man living in San Lucas Toliman near Lake Atitlan.
On a trip to the lake a few weeks ago, Dick was introduced to Nery by Argentina, a woman who has worked with special needs children in this area for many years.  Nery has been attending school, is an excellent student, but has little use of his hands.  The regular wheelchair he had been using was old and worn, and he needed to be pushed everywhere he went by one of his family members.  Dick knew a power chair would be just the ticket for this young man, and found one he hoped would work on the steep hills Nery must climb to get to and from school. 
Nery's momWhen we arrived at the house, his mother told us that each day Nery would have his family wheel him out to the road to see if it was the day Dick would be returning with a chair.  This emphasized to me  how much the people we serve pin their hopes on the promises we make.  I fear too often Americans who come in for a short time make commitments which are quickly forgotten when they return to their busy lives in the States, never realizing the discouragement this brings to those depending on their help.  We try very hard never to promise anything unless we are certain we can make good on our word.  Even though this was just a few weeks later, it had seemed like an eternity to this boy who had been praying for a power chair literally for years.  (He had driven one when he had been hospitalized one time, and fell in love with it.)  What a privilege it was today to be part of God’s answer to Nery and his family’s prayers.

After unloading the chair from the Land Cruiser, the first challenge was to test and see if it would, indeed, climb the steep hills.  Esbin who had come with us on the trip, was only too happy to take the test drive, and to Dick’s delight, the chair went up the hills without slipping or straining at all. 

Next, Dick put Nery in the chair, and, after making a few adjustments, it was time to teach Nery to “drive.”  Cesar and Esbin were excellent interprets and teachers for this part of our task.  It was truly a joy to watch these two young men from Dick’s neighborhood take part in the ministry.  They have grown so much under Dick’s influence, and are a valuable part of our team here.  Today they outdid themselves in their effectiveness and kindness to this family.

Soon Nery was off, driving the chair as if he had been in one all his life.

I can only imagine the impact this freedom will have on Nery and his family.  One thing is sure.  They know first-hand that God has heard and answered their prayers.  I think that’s more important than the chair. . .

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