Door to Door—We Deliver Chairs—February 14, 2012

Written by Dave.
Dick invited me to join him and Pat in Huehuetenango for the rest of this week giving out some wheelchairs and water filters. This morning I was able to have "brekky" (I am not going to even try to translate Dave's Canadian words into English. You will have to try to figure them out yourself but I think that"brekky" is some kind of a dance though.Dick) with the folks from Dick’s home state of Washington.

Then we headed to Canabaj ("Canabaj" is more than likely pronounced "Can-of-Bah". It is not a Canadian word for "something gross that comes in a can". It is a place near Huehuetenango. Dick) along with Clara and Amanda, who knew where we had to go to deliver 2 chairs.

The first chair we gave to a young boy, Ramiro. He was quite shy, and Dick had to be very gentle while fitting him. Dick also got his brother (who is also very shy) to help adjust the chair by getting him to use some wrenches. By the time we were finished adjusting, he was quite happy to help us.

While all this was going on, Gordon and Pat were praying with mom, and Ramiro's sisters, so it turned out be good visit, all around. Praise God.  (Two of Ramiro’s sisters made the decision to become Christ-followers today.  It was truly an honor to be able to pray with them as they made this decision.~~Pat)

DSC02780Gordon was very interested the the pottery made by Ramiro’s mother, and I was absolutely fascinated by the demonstration she gave us.  There is so much work that goes into one of these pots.  She receives 25Q (About $3.25) for ten of these pots.  Each pot will sell in a market, such as in Antigua, for more than 30Q EACH.  Somehow this can’t help but seem like a rip-off for the artisans  who make these goods, but they are poor and happy for whatever money they receive.

We then delivered a regular chair to Josefa, an older lady who lives pretty close to Ramiro. She is hard of hearing and cannot see very well, but still managed to thank us, and was quite happy doing so.
After that we went back to Huehue to pick up a specialty chair for Bartilito, who lives near Silsa in Siculque, about an half an hour up the hills. Pat stayed at the hotel, as she was still recovering from not feeling well.  (This was a real bummer, since I was really looking forward to being part of giving Bartolo his chair.  On top of that, I missed out on Dick’s offer to take me out for dinner for Valentine’s Day!  Of course, I’m not that sure that he would have offered this if I was well! LOL~~Pat)

When we got to Bartilito, all the kids were there to greet us, plus dad and mom. What a neat family, who really love their brother, Bartilito. The chair works perfect for him, as he has to lay down all of the time, and this chair can recline.

We also visited Rocky, a waiter from our hotel , who has a 4 yr. old boy, Anthony, who is passing blood in his urine. Rocky showed us his meds, and is going to bring us the actual prescriptions, to see if Pat and Dick can get some cheaper ones in Guate , and if these are actually the ones he needs.
On the way back to Huehue, Amanda bought a small turkey to bring home. This was one of the first times I have seen Dick a little scared, as Amanda kept holding it up so it looked like it was riding a bike. I think Dick thought something else might happen!

Thanks for inviting me, Dick. Just some more meeting wonderful families, playing with kids, and watching God work in these peoples lives.

Thank you ,Lord. Dave

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