August Birthdays: Sonia, Pat and Henry

One of the things I enjoy most is getting to celebrate birthdays with kids at the orphanage.  We don’t manage all of them, but do “party” with the ones we are closest to.


August 2 was Sonia’s birthday, and we had plans to take her, Veronica and Moises out to eat after Sonia and Moi returned from school, about 1:00.  About 12:15 it started clouding over, and soon thunder was booming.  Almost simultaneously, Dick and I got the brilliant idea of getting “take out” from Camperos and having our party in the Bethel classroom.

Dick an Laura set out to get the chicken, and they no sooner had left that a downpour began.  I, foolishly, had assumed they were taking Dick’s truck to the Campero’s by the market.  When they returned a short time later, soaked to the skin, I discovered they had walked to the Campero’s by the park.  (I’m still trying to figure out what made Dick think they could “beat” the rain, when the thunder was loud enough to rattle windows. Guess I’ll just chalk it up to the differences in how we think--I’m not sure Mars and Venus are far enough apart to do our differences justice!).  Anyway, Laura was a good sport, and the chicken was dry, so we went on with our party.


I almost liked our classroom celebration more than I do when we go out (of course, I had not gone for chicken and was dry!).  Nineth had arranged the desks as a dining table, and we had a great time visiting and teasing the kids (and them teasing us). 


IMG_1403The next birthday on the list was mine—my second in Guatemala.  This year Mari and Leo decided to take us to dinner at a restaurant in San Juan del Obsipo, about 10 minutes outside Antigua.  This place is usually only open weekends, but the chef is a friend of Mari and they opened tonight for us.  The food was delicious, the company great, and the cake Laura bought yummy.  It also served as a great facial—though they didn’t carry out the Guatemalan tradition of pushing my face in the cake, both Dick and Laura enjoyed painting 
                                                         my face with frosting.

Henry turned 8 August 7th, and since that was a Sunday, we took him, Byron and Alfonso Camperos the to celebrate on Friday.  The kids have discovered the chicken sandwiches, and feeding them has become a new challenge, but they love it.  Henry sure enjoyed his time out with us today. 


And, unlike our last trip to Camperos when Alfonso cleared the table of food and dishes, today he was a perfect gentleman, and proud of himself to boot!


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