Update—New Things at New Life

group- we did it!This picture is from the 2011 graduation last October.

The school year has come to an end for us at New Life School here in Guatemala.  Graduation will take place next week for those finishing sixth grade and they will be moving on either to jobs or to other schools to continue their education.  This does not impact me directly, since I am working with the younger kids, but it is always emotional for me to realize what each of these young people (who many thought could not be educated!), their teachers, and parents have accomplished by working together. 

63This year’s staff at Nueva Vida (New Life)

DSC04350I am currently working with about 18 students in grades K through 2.  I was actually a little surprised when I counted up how many there were!  They keep me pretty busy, but are well worth the effort it takes to help them get just a little bit further ahead in their education.  The variety of special needs challenges me on a daily basis, as well as the necessity to teach only in Spanish.  The kids, though, are very patient with me as I stumble along, and the teachers are great help when I get stuck.



During November I will be working individually with a few of the kids who need the most help.  It is amazing to me that the parents are willing to get the kids to school a couple of days a week for only a 45 minute session, but they are.  This time will enable me to focus more intensely on the individual needs of these children.



DSC03980I am excited to now have a American “compañero” working at the school.  Jennifer Giesemann is a speech therapist with a wealth of knowledge, a fluency in Spanish, and recent experience providing speech and communication therapy in the schools.  Jennifer is from Tennessee, but spent a number of years in Venezuela with her missionary parents.  I have already learned so much from her, and know I will continue to grow personally and professionally working with her.  A bonus is that she is great fun to be with!  Thank you, God, for bringing her here.

582221_10151043869561075_1225785611_nThe staff of Latin Deaf Services who have been working with us in Santa Maria.  (Left to right:  Abby, Roy, Myrna, Rosie and Shirma.)
Amazingly talented teachers and great Christ-followers as well!

Finally, Latin Deaf Services has been working up at the school, teaching a our deaf students sign language, and I get to sit in on the classes, too!  It’s quite fun to find myself signing in Guatemalan sign and speaking in English (though Roy, the ministry director likes this since he and sign in Spanish, but not speak it!), but it’s a bit confusing for the teachers and kids when I get mixed up and speak in Spanish and sign in English.  Maybe someday I’ll get as good as the kids are at this!

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