No one is righteous, no not one. . .

Brittney and Leonel at the Fulp home last Christmas

Brittney Fulp is a twenty-something year old missionary who came to Guatemala about two years ago with parents and eight brothers and sisters.  She is a remarkable young woman with a spiritual depth well beyond her years.  I believe her thoughts on the shooting in Connecticut are well worth reading, so I'm taking the liberty of sharing them.  Brittney writes:

For my Christ following friends...I just posted this on a friend's status, but as I saw how many were talking about the school shooting today, I thought maybe I would share my same thoughts here. (God is really challenging and changing my perspective these days):

I make absolutely no excuse for this guy...what he did was absolutely horrible, and my heart aches for those affected by this situation

. But one of the first thoughts that I had when I heard about this was, "Wow! How much was this guy hurting that he could even reach this point?" And then I found myself aching for HIM...he is now facing judgment on the other side, so, beyond righteous anger (that we should all have about the sin in this world), there is no room for my anger. My anger would serve no purpose. He is getting his deserved punishment. I hurt for him and relationship that he never found with the Lord...and now my thoughts wander to the others like him who are still here with us. Who around me is hurting that I should be reaching out to? Not just to prevent situations like this (although, that alone with be worth it) but to help these specific people to find the hope and love that is being offered them….the hope and love that I have undeservedly received. Because the truth is…I am no more righteous than this young man was...EXCEPT by the precious blood of Jesus.

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