Follow–up on Fidel

Fidel is continuing to study to complete his high school education.  The first semester this year he completed the work for an entire year of school, and we are hoping to find he has done the same during the second semester which is ending this month.  While I can't say that he enjoys his studies, he understands that this is a necessary step toward one day finding competitive employment.  He is facing the reality that independent adult living does not mean doing just what you want to do, but also doing what you need to do.  I'm proud of him.
IMG_0734Fidel watching “futbol” (soccer) with the guys.  Spending time on the computer, watching the action on the streets of Antigua, and watching futbol on TV are Fidel’s favorite ways to spend his time.
IMGFidel's faith walk is progressing, though he still struggles to balance the love of God with the fact that God has allowed him to be so severely limited physically.  He is no longer bitter toward God, as he once was, but has difficulty trusting in the unfailing love of God.  Through Fidel I am learning that sometimes one has to learn to trust in the love of the Father before he can trust in the sacrifice of the Son for him.  So we pray and we talk and we share.  I sometimes say that Fidel is "dating" Jesus, getting to know Him,
testing his faithfulness, and deciding 
                                              if it is safe to trust Him.
Fidel in his first wheelchair     
    at about age eight             
IMG_0631This is a slow process which I wish with all my heart I could hurry up.  I could push him for a decision, but his heart is not there yet.  It is hard for me to trust the Holy Spirit in this process, having been thoroughly schooled in the "what if he dies today and spends eternity in hell because he waited too long to follow Jesus?"  But a also know that he needs to believe in his heart as well as confess with his mouth.  I can't choose Christ for him any more than I could for my own children.  What I can do is try to reflect in my actions and attitudes the extravagant love of the Father for him, and reinforce in my words the neither he nor I would be where we are today except for this great love. 
IMG_0759Fidel celebrating his 29th birthday with his family last June.  They drove over four hours from Totonicapan to spend the day with him.
Please pray for Fidel as he walks this journey to faith and wholeness.  It's not easy for him but I truly believe what when he comes to full faith in Jesus, he will be used mightily to minister to others with disabilities in a way which none of us who are able-bodied can.  I can't wait for this day!

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