Honey, I’m Home May 6-8


I arrived at the Guatemala City airport about 9:30 on Friday, May 6, and was greeted by Dick and a bunch of the kids from his neighborhood in Chimaltenango.  Dick had said that there were even more who wanted to come, all claiming they had missed me so much while I was gone they couldn’t wait to see me. (Personally, I think they just wanted a trip to the city, but Dick disagrees.)  The kids had actually given up going to Youth Group at the church to come and meet me, and it was really neat to hug each of their necks (or at least the necks of the ones that would let me!).  Wish I’d taken a picture of them standing there, but was too busy trying to juggle the suitcases on my luggage cart to take out my camera.

Spent Saturday morning unpacking, and around 4 Dick came over so we could catch up.  Mari had invited him for dinner at 7, and after we talked for a while decided to take a walk and explore a part of Antigua I had not really walked through yet.  I’ll let Dick tell the rest of the story. . .

Actually it was only 4 PM when I got to Pat's house and we were not scheduled to go over to Leo and Mari's house for dinner until 7 PM but I needed a kid break.  (And here, I thought he’d just missed me.  The truth always comes out!!!) Pat and I had a good visit and then went for a walk. Our walk took us past a the home of a Gustavo, a man that I had brought an electric scooter to a few years ago. Today as we walked past their home I asked Pat if she wanted to stop by and visit Gustavo and his family.

Gustavo at his home

Gustavo had suffered a stroke a few years prior to the first time that I met him and even though his family had somehow found a manual wheelchair for him it was of little value to him during the day when he was left alone while his children were at school and his wife and mother were at work because he had no use of right arm.  Gustavo was a bit hesitant to use his power scooter when I first gave it to him but within a week his family had phoned me telling me that he was going all over the neighborhood with it. I must admit it has had a few break downs and a few months ago I had to replace it with a different one that Bethel Ministries graciously provided but having mobility has changed not only Gustavo's life but the lives of his entire family.

Today his wife shared with us just how much it has changed their lives. She told us that before he received his power scooter she dreaded having to leave him at home alone even though she had to in order to provide for her family. Gustavo who use to suffer from a lot of depression is now an outgoing happy individual as he no longer feels that he is a burden to his family. Not only can he accompany them when they go to see friends or go to church but he can now help out by going to the store on his own and doing some of the family shopping.

Today as the family once again thanked us for giving Gustavo this life changing gift I reminded them that we had just been the delivery boys and that the gift was from God. They told us that they were aware of that but that they were thankful that God had directed us to them. More and more I am becoming aware that sharing Christ with people involves a lot more than simply telling them about Jesus.~~Dick

Dick holding childWhat Dick did not share here was the depth of the love these folks have for him.  Not because he brought them a wheelchair, though they are very grateful for that.  But because he shows such love and compassion in the way he gives chairs, and gets involved in people’s lives.  There was no reason for us to stop today, except Dick wanted to check that everything was going okay with the chair.  I know he wonders sometimes, if he’s making an impact with what he does.  Today should have answered that question for him, I hope.


Kimmie Fulp, going up to receive her “badges.”

Sunday, Mother’s Day in the States, was the day our church here acknowledge the progress of our kids in Sunday School.  (They are, after all, the ones who make Mother’s Day possible, aren’t they?)  I am so pleased to be part of a church that places such a high value on it’s children as to take 20 minutes out of their worship service to celebrate the children learning their Bible verses.  I am teaching the elementary age girls, and am getting pretty attached to them.  It’s been a long time since I’ve taught this age, and since we’re a bi-lingual church, get to teach in both English and Spanish, but I’m coping. 



  After lunch with Dick and the kids at
  Martha’s (a great Guatemala buffet)
  we headed out to watch some of the
  boys play soccer.  They got pretty well
  creamed by a team of adult men, and
  were feeling pretty down about the
  whole thing.  I’m glad we went,
  though, so they know we love them
  whether they win or lose!

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