Today I Have Set Before You Life and Death----- (Part 1)

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When I first came to Guatemala, I never imagined I would be so
involved with life and death.  I came to teach, work with kids, help
them communicate. Nor did I think for  a moment that I would need to
make peace with, if not befriend Death.

But these past few weeks have reminded me that this is the case in the majority of the world.  (We used to call these Third World
countries, but the term Majority World more accurately reflects the
reality that most of the world lives in deep poverty, without access
to even basic quality medical care.)

My recent journey with death began a couple weeks ago, when I received word that Griselda, a fourteen year old girl from Santa Maria with CP and autism, was very ill.  I never did find out exactly what was wrong with her, but from what I could gather she had some type of renal failure.  Her mother told us that there was some type of operation the doctors in Guatemala City had recommended, but could not describe it very well.  (Looking back, I am wondering if it was to put in a dialysis port?)

This family, who dearly loved Griselda, decided to bring her home and
trust God to heal her if it was His will.  Her feet became so swollen
that she could no longer walk.  One day we went to her house to try to give her a wheelchair, but were unable to see her. (The family was
praying over her with folks from their church, and could not hear us
knocking.). The next morning I received a call from my friend
Jennifer, our speech therapist, that Griselda had gone home to Jesus
early that morning.

Brittany-198x228 (1)My heart sank and yet rejoiced that she was now whole.  Not only was she healed of whatever disorder had killed her, but also of her
cerebral palsy and autism.  As I write this I can picture her running
and talking and laughing with Jesus.  (I hope her laugh is the same in
heaven.  When she would laugh here on earth, which wasn't very often, it sounded like music.)


images (2)Do I grieve for her family who will have to discover a "new normal" living without her? Of course. But I also realize that she is finally free to be who God intended her to be before creation.  Before sin entered His perfect world, and contaminated it with sickness and

heavenlyDance-198x228So what does one say to a family that trusted God to heal their
daughter and sister? With a confidence I've learn in Guatemala I can
assure them He did.  She is now whole and healthy, and waiting for
them with Jesus!

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