While not traditional “missionaries,” Mari and Leo have housed dozens, if not hundreds of students in their home over the years. I have stayed with them three times now. First hand I see them being joyful servants to those God brings into their lives. From my limited experience, these have been a variety of people and personalities, yet they approach each with a hospitality that is definitely a gift of the Spirit. Tonight Leo and I talked about his recent bout with cancer, his surgery, and his constant pain. And, as in all our other conversations, he ends each explaining that he has no reason to complain. This is all for the “glory of God” who has done so much for him. When he says these words, and you look in his eyes, you know this is coming from his heart. So, often without words, just by living out his life joyfully before those who God brings to him, he shows more of who Jesus is by his life than many who wear the title “evangelist.” He reminds me of the statement of St. Francis of Assisi, “Preach the gospel at all time. Use words when necessary.”

I guess this is why I selfishly return to Guatemala. I see Jesus in action. Whether it is in Dick with the children, Mari and Leo with their students, Ben and Andy playing soccer, Fernando’s instant generosity, or the Perez family caring for Lisvi, I over and over again see Jesus. Do I believe Jesus works in the States? Absolutely. But I do think we make it harder for him to shine through. Often we are so “qualified” and “competent” in what we are doing that it almost seems like we are letting Jesus just “come along for the ride.” Some of us acknowledge that God acts, but even then, it almost seems as if we EXPECT that He should intervene on our behalf. And when He does, how seldom am I truly grateful, if I even recognize His hand at all.
So when I am asked why I “need” to move to Guatemala, I guess this is my most honest answer. I need to go to meet Jesus. I need to go to live in constant awareness that everything I am, everything I have, everything I do is because of His constant presence in my life. I need to go to stay connected to the vine, and let the vinedresser prune me to bear more fruit. And to remember, always, as my friend says, this is all “to the glory of God” who has done so much for me.
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